
H i ,
I ' m   Abdallah b d a l l a h ,
f u l l - s t a c k   d e v e l o p e r .

I'm a Developer

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Welcome, on a small page to give you the full introduction to my professional projects as a full-stack developer. it's only a drop in the ocean compared to the entire list of my projects and coming features.
Excited to see more of my work? Hire my work page.

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NB: My projects and websites gonna be available soon, and this isn't my pictures I'll used it just for a while until I publish my other websites and projects.





































I love mathematics, so the first time I knew about programming I realized that it is the work where I can get the most out of my mathematics.

I started programming in high school and I have been programming since then, with the love of creating websites, applications and smart programs.
I have been programming for about 2 years now.

I have just started my journey, now I am next level programmer, I am ready to learn new things and I am ready to make my own projects, with high experience and knowledge.

React JS & NEXT.JS
Before 3 months ago, I started learn JavaScript and create some projects and websites.
right away I started learn React JS and Next JS and get more experience.
I love JavaScript and I love to create new projects and programs and websites using this powerful language.
How to style using CSS?
after a long period of study front-end basics, I loved to make awesome web applications with advanced animations and styles.
CSS Grid Layout and flexbox.
To create an amazing website, you really need to work with positions, to get the right modern and beautiful look, hence I loved to get the ultimate guid in Grid and flexbox.
Object Oriented Programming (Python)
Object Oriented Programming is a programming paradigm that uses objects and their interactions to solve problems... and it was very important for me to learn it using python.
coming days I'll learn more about it in other languages .
My relation with frameworks!
Earlier I didn't love the idea of using frameworks, I thought that is going to be better if I work with the languages itself.
but now I knew the importance of it, now I'm getting advanced in
bootstrap, SASS, React js, NEXT.JS and so on.
Databases, SQL & MySQL
My level getting higher day after day, I've learned more about databases and its role.
I can now create databases and tables, and I can also create queries and execute them.
The road to full-stack developer
Languages, Frameworks, and Databases, to be a full-stack developer is not that easy, and i now that pretty well.
I still study, learning and getting more and more experienced in the field.
this is my DREAM and I can reach it.

Make sure to contact me whenever you want, I'm excited to. for freelancing opportunities, creating your website or project, feel free to make me know. However, I am ready to your requests or questions.

This website portfolio inspired from two great developers, Jacek jeznach and Slobodan Gajic.

Their wonderful websites, jacekjeznach portfolio and bobnagajicsm portfolio, CHECK IT OUT.

Wanna now how to build like this website using react js? Click Here!